Form renderer is the core component of Data Driven Forms. It is used to generate and render forms.

import FormRenderer from '@data-driven-forms/react-form-renderer/form-renderer';
const App = () => (<FormRenderer


Defines types of form field components. Field components can change the state of the form.

You can use globally defined attributes.

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Note You have to pass at least one of FormTemplate or a children render function to render the fields.

A component that defines a template of the form. This component receives two props from the renderer: formFields and schema. formFields is the content of the form. You should wrap this content into your <form> component and add form buttons.

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Note You have to pass at least one of FormTemplate or a children render function to render the fields.


Children render function. It serves the same purpose as FormTemplate prop. Read more.

(values, formApi) => void

A submit callback which receives two arguments: values and formApi.

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A schema which defines structure of the form. Consists of fields.


schema = {
title: 'Your name', // you can extract this in formTemplate
description: 'Add your name', // you can extract this in formTemplate
fields: [{
name: 'userName',
label: 'Your name is',
component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,


Action mapper allows to map functions as props.

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Will clear values of unmounted components. You can also set this to specific component in the form schema.

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Value that will be set to field with initialValue after deleting it. Useful for forms while editing.

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A reset callback that refresh the form state to the initial state.

(values) => void

A cancel callback, which receives values as the first argument.

(formState) => void

A function which will be called with every form update, i.e. ({ values }) => setValues(values).

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An object of fields names as keys and values as their values.


initialValues={{ name: 'initial-name', nested: { value: 'neste-value' }}}


Schema validators mapper. You can control schemas of your components, validators and actions.

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You can pass your own subscription, which will be added to default settings.

Default subscription

{ pristine: true, submitting: true, valid: true }

(values) => void | Errors

A function which receives all form values and returns an object with errors.

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A mapper containing custom validators, it's automatically merged with the default one.

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